Myst trilogy
Myst trilogy


Screen capture of door location in Myst Masterpiece - This view is seen on the way down to Sirrus' room. Theory 2 - In this drawing I speculate that both passages curve sharply enough to allow for the positions of the doors to the interconnecting path. Theory 1 - In this drawing I speculate that one passage crosses over the other. Either theory would explain the placement of the doors leading from the passages to the interconnecting path. In such a case an exit to the "left" would actually be an exit to the "right" (in relation to the direction you faced when originally entering the passage). In Theory 2 I reckoned that both passages curve sharply enough that, toward the end, they loop back on themselves. In truth they seem to descend at the same angle into the rock, but there is enough vagueness about that angle of descent that you could argue that one passage is lower, and therefore able to pass under the other. In Theory 1 I reckoned that one of the passages had to cross over the other. "Why are you wasting time on this?" Pushing aside such reasonable questions, I forged ahead, burning up a perfectly good evening writing this essay and sketching the following possible explanations. Sure enough, the exact same layout is repeated, leaving me no closer to an answer. But I thought of something I could check: I loaded up realMyst, the 3D realtime recreation of Myst, released six years after the original game (so there had been plenty of time to notice inconsistencies). I figured there had been a mistake, either in my interpretation of what I saw in the game, or in the design of the game itself. However, the reverse is true for the placement of those doors. I mean, it makes sense, right? The path connects the two passages that lead to the bedrooms. Therefore you would expect that when going to Achenar's room you would find the door to the interconnecting path on your left, and when going to Sirrus' room you would find the door to the interconnecting path on your right. When outdoors in this age, the door leading to the passage for Sirrus' room is on the left, and the door leading to the passage for Achenar's room is on the right. You also know that each passage leads to a bedroom, and that before reaching the bedrooms there is an interconnecting path that leads to a room with a compass rose and an underwater view. If you've explored the original Myst's Stoneship Age, you know that each half of the ship has a door leading to a passage, right into the rock of the island. My quandary about mapping Myst's Stoneship age: The sun rises and sets.Įxcellent Myst franchise write-up at official site for version of Myst realized like Quake or Unreal, as a moving, real-time first-person game. Official site for the 1999 re-release of Myst with slightly more hi-rez visuals

myst trilogy

Official site to buy or learn about Myst gamesĬ - Makers of the Myst games It even has saved games at key points, which you can use to skip to that point.

myst trilogy

The Lysts - fan discussion of all Myst gamesĪ good Myst walkthru with labeled illustrations. Myst III Hint Guide - reveals only a little at a timeĮxcellent, beautiful Riven maps - Hand-drawn by a cartographerĮxcellent fan site about the various Myst sequelsĮnter the Myst A Discussion with Rand Miller by Gloria Stern Myst II (Riven) hints and tips and other neat Riven goodies

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Myst I hints - Hints for the original Myst


Later shelved and released again as Myst 10th Anniversary EditionĢ003 - Uru - Ages Beyond Myst launch - Initially released as an ever-growing online game, it was taken offline and re-released as Uru - Complete Chronicles

myst trilogy


Myst Series Information Page Myst Series Information Page My explanation of the "mistake" in mapping Myst's Stoneship AgeĢ002 - Myst Trilogy released (Myst 1-3 in the same box).

Myst trilogy